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Father’s Day’s About Commitment, Faith

How often we’ve heard a Mother’s relationship with their child is “special” & “enduring,” and it’s so true. Yet, it can similarly be said of a Father’s “commitment” to & “Faith” in their kids, not unlike our Father in Heaven.

In the case of my four children, that special fatherly relationship truly began when, shortly after their births, I held them up to the star-filled Heavens in the still of the midnight hour and told our Lord, “I commend this child to Your glory.” The beautiful moments & original promise continued every night as we said “The Our Father” together every night as I tucked each son & daughter into bed.

In fact, it’s THOSE moments in PRIVATE, unseen by others, that I remember most years later and to this day. Of course, the big, public moments like the prom nights, high school and college graduations, first jobs and now marriages are all memorable and are in the scrap books. But, it's the quiet times focusing on “commitment” to & “faith” in one another as well as The Almighty that we shared together … THOSE are the most gentle on this Dad’s mind this Father’s Day 2022 …

Davd Soul


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