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Fauci Retires As Mr. Science Or Dr. Fraud?

Dr. Fauci skedaddles DC to dodge Congress investigation but WSJ says he can’t avoid his “Rule of Experts” legacy & Fox’s Tucker says he has “a lot to answer for” as too many Covid victims died under his “fraudulent” watch.

While the WSJ editors said the NIAID leader’s “long [38-yr] service is laudable,” esp. in fighting the HIV outbreak, it emphasized his “Covid legacy includes more public mistrust.” That is, in a variety of ways, “he became the main symbol of the ‘Rule by [so-called] Experts’ who imposed lockdowns on America and brooked no scientific debate on Covid.” At one point, Fauci even dared to declare, “I am science,” then, “smeared the few brave scientists who opposed the blanket lockdowns and endorsed a strategy of ‘focused protection.’”

But, Tucker pulled no punches, accusing Dr. Fauci of having blatantly lied about mandated masks & the efficacy of vaccines as well as the origins of the Covid virus itself. “… on some level, even Tony Fauci knows that [he] is, in fact, a dangerous fraud, a man who has done things that in most countries, at most times in history, would be understood perfectly clearly to be very serious crimes.” Explained Tucker: “Fauci’s recommended treatments & preventative measures for COVID that not only didn’t work, but that he knew didn’t work. He admitted to the NY Times he lied about herd immunity in order to sell more vaccines, which also didn’t work, which weren’t even actually vaccines, but they did hurt tens of thousands. Then he lied about masks … when he wrote ‘The typical mask you buy at a drug store is not really effective at keeping out a virus’ … [but] maybe his most notable crime [was] he didn’t simply downplay & obfuscate the origins of the pandemic, apparently in conjunction with the Chinese gov’t … Tony Fauci covered up evidence HE helped create that virus.”

Davd Soul


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