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FBI aka “Federal Botched Investigations”

Fox’s Watters ripped the FBI over its unprecedented Trump Mar-a-Lago raid & his laundry list of other picadillos maybe gives new meaning to the agency that might be renamed “Federal Botched Investigations”…

Argued Watters: “The president & attorney general have now gone into hiding after the [FBI] raid on the home of President Trump blew up in their face. For two days [then three] they’ve ignored every question about this political invasion. Biden fled DC … on Air Force One, taking Hunter with him on another vacation … &, [AG] Merrick Garland, no one knows where he is [until Wednesday].” FBI Director Chris Wray says both he & Mr. Garland are receiving numerous threats & the armed nut job at FBI Cincinnati & any others like him surely need to be locked up asap. Still, Mr. Wray also remains silent on why a “all-hands-on-deck” raid of a former-president’s home was so critical to national security. Just a hint maybe would suffice? Following traditional “no comment” protocol is the excuse? As if there’s anything traditional about this raid … Finally, under “pressure from the public,” AG Garland admitted he “personally” ok’d the raid and is asking the court to unseal the warrant … although it may still be days before it will be made publicly available as Trump agreed too.

Watters suggests he has the answer to FBI’s shyness: “The bureau told Newsweek they had undercovers at Mar-a-Lago” who could ID what “classified documents former Pres. Trump was still hiding & their location … so the FBI had a mole in the Trump campaign, had moles in the Trump administration, & now have a mole in Mar-a-Lago. And the guy who’s running the FBI field office in DC is the same guy who had moles in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping plot …” He concludes: “And you wonder why the FBI can’t stop a single mass shooting, can’t protect the Supreme Court Justices, can’t stop Chinese spies from sleeping with Eric Swalwell, can’t sniff out Chinese spies driving Diane Feinstein around … but they can stop what happens at Trump’s Palm Beach estate.” Mr. Trump also wondered if any more "evidence" was planted .... Neva!

Davd Soul


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