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Fed-Funded Academics Control Those Asleep?

If you follow the money, can you see an “Unholy alliance of academic elites & government bureaucrats who threaten free speech everywhere”? If so, is there anyone still awake at the switch?

The “dangers of [such] funding,” suggests Nicholas Giordano in a Fox op ed, have always been “compounded” by the “troubling fact” that academics & political elites are inevitably & increasingly in bed with one another. Yet, that alone is nothing new since, well, since at least the end of WWII when Big Government got bigger than an Everglade alligator. As Giordano also noted, it was President Dwight Eisenhower who warned us “about the relationship between government funding & higher education” … e.g., in what he called “The military industrial complex.” The problem, Giordano says, is that the reality of “domination by the nation’s scholars”, the same folks who gave us the atomic bomb, is being IGNORED today. And, the government’s grant funding is leading to an ”unholy alignment” of those elites with Uncle Sam. Indeed, he argues, “throughout the country, professors on college campuses have been recruited to develop tools for monitoring & restricting discourse, betraying the values of free speech.” He cites by way of example a fed grant to the University of Wisconsin to develop a system to “strategically correct” what the US sees as “misinformation relating to COVID, elections & vaccines.” In other words, “This is nothing more than a backdoor attempt to revive the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board with the intent to ‘intervene’ on social media platforms & incorporate these tools into ‘local, national & international newsrooms.” There are many other examples too numerous & complex to describe here.

Hello. Anyone awake at the RNC? In academia? Or, even the MSM?

Davd Soul


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