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Felon-Friendly NYC Enters Twilight Zone

It’s not enough for Soros-funded progressive prosecutors to go soft on violent criminals, but can anyone explain how a NYC bodega worker can be charged with murder for stabbing a crazed felon with a choke hold on him?

“I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone,” a shocked Kaleigh McEnany told Fox’s “Outnumbered.” What kind of sick, twisted place are we sitting in here in the middle of New York City, where this man who is defending himself is put in jail?” Tucker Carlson described the event this way: “A 35-yr-old convicted felon called Austin Simon walked into a neighborhood convenience store in Harlem … & pushed his way behind the counter. Austin’s girlfriend had just had a dispute with the clerk, a 61-yr-old Dominican immigrant Jose Alba. The woman wanted a bag of potato chips, but there was no money left on her gov’t food stamp card, so the clerk tried to take back the chips. The woman became enraged & got her boyfriend, Austin Simon [who] has spent 3 yrs in prison for assault. Though Simon had no apparent job, he was wearing a $300 designer T-shirt & a gold earring and he was extremely angry, furious. Simon threw Alba into a wall, then, leaned down & screamed in his face. When the older man stood up, Simon grabbed him by the neck.”

Surveillance video shows the two then wrestling. Alba pulls out a knife & stabs the crazed felon several times. After he dies at a nearby hospital, police charged the old man with 2nd degree murder. While “every death is sad,” Tucker reminded: “Simon was a thug. He was a taker. He was a cruel & vicious bully … self-defense is the cornerstone of all liberty.” Maybe Soros will tell the prosecutor to drop the murder charge. But, if not Kaleigh, we are indeed living in the Twilight Zone.”

Davd Soul


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