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Fightin’ 46’s SOU Has Chance to Trip 45

WSJ columnists say No. 46 engineered Nov’s “Trump Redux” by assuming No. 45 was easiest GOPer to beat (again) BUT also warn fed up Blacks & Hispanics plus Joe’s sellout to Leftists puts his own approval rating in Jimmy Carter’s toilet.


It was Jason Riley in his “Biden’s Worst Nightmare: Blacks & Hispanics for Trump” arguing Joe is losing while Donald is gaining “support from minority voters because they did better in his economy.” Well, let’s see what really happens on election day. But, then, it was Holman Jenkins in a separate piece who ADDED a litany of “miscalculations” aka “Biden boomerangs.” For instance, Holman notes, it was a dictatorial Joe (not Stalin let alone YKW) “who lobbied for the Trump prosecutions [but] they blew up” in his face “when his own document problems emerged.” Then, there was that disastrous interview with Special Counsel Hur, in which he gave a “picture of a confused, forgetful president, which Mr. Biden’s AG allowed to be shared with the world.” Might we also note how an indignant Joe attacked Hur by mentioning his dead son in the damning report, but forgetting (says NBC) that it was JOE who brought the topic up & botched dates?


Concludes Holman, “this pratfall the president invites over & over by seeking re-election when even a majority of Democrats are telling him he’s too old.” Of course, with Joe & Donald now coasting to their coronations at their respective party conventions in blue & red trunks respectively, there’s still a long 8 months to go until that Redux. Thursday’s State of the Union Address by Mr. Biden is his golden opportunity to show how spry “Fightin’ Joe” still is. Just, please, don’t trip up the stairs to the ring, er, podium.


Davd Soul


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