Fluoridated Water & Toothpaste To Save Putin, World?
Having a sensitive tooth, I was happy to see “enamel strengthening” toothpastes in the drug store & extolling its “fluoride” ingredient. Yet, “wait”, I told myself. Wasn’t fluoride being banned by many cities? That’s right, it was in 2018 that NBC News reported “in the past 5 years, 74 cities have voted to remove fluoride from their drinking water.”
Hey, I grew up in Chicago, which was a leader in fluoridated drinking water, & maybe it’s one of the reasons its politicians tell taxpayers complaining of corruption “bite me”. Or not. Yet, as NBC noted, fluoride in drinking water circa the 1950s has been “hailed by the CDC as one of the top public health achievements of the 20th Century. What happened? And, why in 2021 is it ok for Crest & Colgate to again put the “F” back in the toothpaste? In today’s Covid pandemic mania, I smelled a woke rat ala the anti-vaccinationers.
Sure enough, NBC went on: “Anti-fluoridationists – a small but vocal minority – are disputing long-established science to say that fluoride added to tap water lowers IQ & causes everything from acne to anemia to Alzheimer’s.” I’d add a worry that fluoridated water is a Commie plot, first mentioned by delusional U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper in 1964’s “Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Came To Love The Bomb,” as an excuse to launch a nuclear attack on Russia. Give Putin a break for once. Just get vaccinated & the Crest.
Davd Soul
