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Foot In Mouth Joe Pines For Xi Ching

Not to rag on Biden cause Trump verbal beauts were at times anything but YET Joe keeps bungling lay ups. While begging Xi to get back in bed with him (& Hunter) ala good ‘ol days, but to show voters he’s no longer a PRC a** kisser, Joe calls the commie a “dictator.”

The WSJ’s “Biden’s Spy Balloon Brouhaha” is all about Joe turning, as only he can, “an apologia for Xi Jinping into a diplomatic gaffe …” The editors try to explain: “The President has been beseeching Beijing for a better relationship, to no great result, but Mr. Biden is now bungling even that. [He] on Tuesday popped off [at a fundraiser] about the Chinese spy balloon that floated over Alaska & the continental US in February. Chinese President Xi ‘got very upset’ when the US shot down the Beijing blimp, Mr. Biden said, because ‘he didn’t know it was there.’ [Ha ha.] That’s ‘a great embarrassment for dictators,’ Mr. Biden mused.”

What’s EMBARRASSING is that we have a POTUS not only “airing US intelligence” on the PRC spy ship for no known reason, the WSJ suggested, but needlessly helping resurrect the Chinese Communist propaganda machine. Not only did the PRC denounce another so-called US “provocation” thanks to Joe’s cheap shot, but they were able to moan yet again about the US shooting down its “accidentally off-course” balloon, never mind that Joe made it clear he (and everyone else in the world) knows it “was loaded with spy equipment” that hovered over US military installations. As the WSJ concluded: “Mr. Biden is right that Mr. Xi is a dictator, but now the President has created a flap that China will exploit to demand more diplomatic concessions – as a precondition for Mr. Xi to grant the summit the US President covets. Foreign leaders used to seek summits with US Presidents. Now Mr. Biden pines for one” with a foreign dictator.

Davd Soul


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