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For 2023 There Is No "I" In "Teamus"

MSM relates many stories of folks reacting to the pandemic by "re-evaluating" their lives, from family to jobs to quality of life and so on. But, from looking at much of the commentary appearing in social & other online media one wonders if the lesson learned has too often put "I" before "Us".

If anything, the pandemic struggles might have taught how interconnected we all are, how dependent upon one another for the necessities as well as finer things in our lives ... regardless of race, color, ethnicity, class, status, religion and so on. Yet, that lesson can understandably get lost in our individual worries, fears, grief and even perhaps a touch of greed.

Might there be a better road, if less traveled for 2023? That is, by resolving in the New Year to serve God by serving others more, regardless, and without any expectation of recompense?

Davd Soul


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