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Fossilized Renewable Policies & Black Outs

As rate of fossil fuel plant retirements exceed renewable replacements, there’s a mysterious “Sound of Silence” emanating from the Swamp. Meanwhile WSJ op ed issues “S.O.S” about likely Electric Energy black outs.

As the editorial board recently noted, one of the nation’s largest grid operators, PJM Interconnection, “sounds the latest alarm that fossil-fuel plants are shutting down without adequate replacement power. The political class yawns … [Such] warnings keep coming that the force-fed energy transition to renewable fuels is destabilizing the U.S. electric grid, but is anyone in government paying attention?”

There’s a variety of “causes” for the resulting “imbalance”, the editors suggest, mostly related to misguided “policy” assumptions. But, they bluntly add it comes down to this: “The left’s green-energy transition is incompatible with a growing economy & improving living standards. Renewables don’t provide reliable power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the progressive campaign to shut down coal & gas plants that do will invariably result in outages.” Will consumers increasingly come to feel like coal miners trapped in a collapsed tunnel 300 feet below the fresh air above & having to wait for rescuers using tools that don’t work or only sometimes before their last gasp is expended?

Davd Soul


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