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Freed Hinckley NYC Concert Wash Out

John Hinckley’s NYC concert was canceled "with regrets" by its sponsors because they say it would’ve sent positive “message mental health issues & criminal past can be atoned for”. What next? National Art Gallery holds an exhibit for rehabilitated John Wayne Gacy?

Well, wanna-be presidential assassin Hinckley is no Beatle and Gacy is no Van Gogh, but maybe threats against the scheduled concert just to make a buck off of Hinckley’s notoriety was to be expected, if terribly wrong. As if anyone hasn’t heard, Hinckley is now a free man at age 67 after getting his full release last Wednesday, 41 years after shooting President Reagan, WH press secretary James Brady, a Secret Service officer and a police officer, allegedly because the deranged man wanted to impress actress Jody Foster. Never mind that he painstakingly planned the shooting & stalked his prey until firing upon him (& others) outside a DC hotel (as I recount in my novel, “Michael’s Original Sin”).

Sorry, no weeping for Mr. Hinckley who’s spent the last 30 years in a mental hospital after convincing a jury with the help of woke shrinks he was insane all this time, then, suddenly sane enough to pop up to sing in NYC ala Paul Simon. Suggestion: Let’s hear a posting of some Hinckley tunes to see if he’s got any real musical talent, like any sane person would before holding a concert in public.

Davd Soul


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