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Garland’s Blind Eye To Doxxing Aborts Justice?

The Biden-Garland DOJ’s odorous sense of justice is best seen by its non-response to the doxxing of Justices home neighborhoods, even though an “appalled” ex-AG Barr says the “pro-abortion” demonstrations violate federal law prohibiting judicial intimidation.

As Fox News noted, “pro-abortion protestors are targeting [aka overrunning] the private homes [and neighborhoods] of the 6 Republican-appointed justices after the leak last week of a draft opinion signaled the Supreme Court intends to overturn landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade.” As GW law prof. Jonathan Turley noted, there’s state and local laws that could be invoked to stop at least some of the obvious intimidation tactics being employed. But, Mr. Garland need only look at the federal law books in his own office. “Federal US Code 1507 states that any individual who ‘pickets or parades’ with the ‘intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness or court officer” near a US court or “near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer” will be fined or “imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

Yet, how many of these threatening screaming meemies have been ticketed as they stomp each Justice’s block let alone been arrested for shouting threatening slogans in an oft-admitted attempt to “make life hell” for the Justices if they “dare” overturn the worst Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott? A garland wreath usually symbolizes resurrection & rebirth. In this case, does it stand more for a blind guide who is aborting Justice?

Davd Soul


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