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Gas Prices Keep Going Up As Biden Poll Numbers Tank

As in many places, Falls Church Va gas prices have zoomed past $3 a gallon so the Biden spike here can’t be blamed on Trump who left office with mucho cheaper pump tolls. Joe’s anti-fuel policies & tanking approval polls, in fact, are squarely blamed in the WSJ opinion piece, “Oil Prices & Bad Policy.”

Noted the Editors: “Average gasoline prices nationwide have risen 40 cents a gallon in the last six months & $1 since December … The WH blames OPEC for not increasing supply more as demand has rebounded amid the pandemic recovery,” but at the very same time the Biden Bros declared war on fossil fuels, by threatening bigger & badder taxes & regulations, shutting down pipelines & banning US oil exports. As the WSJ explained: “Producers aren’t going to drill more wells today, even at today’s higher prices, if they don’t think they will produce future profits.”

Now, Bernie Sanders may tell Mr. Biden & his Energy Sec “to hell with the capitalists, we’ll confiscate.” But, that’s a revolution not a policy. It’s been tried. Doesn’t work. Besides, can you imagine Bernie or Joe pumping your gas? The problem is that these radicalized DC Swamp geniuses in charge haven’t a clue as to what to do … or, not do … next. Worse yet, the editors worried: “Anything is possible [in the way of next missteps] as a panicking President Biden’s poll numbers fall.” [Maybe, next time a pollster calls you, lie & tell them you agree with Joe, that he's doing a swell job."]

Davd Soul


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