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Genesis Of Corinthian College Loan Ambush

WSJ put it simply in its “Reading From Kamala Harris to the Corinthians” College, arguing she helped create the for-profit’s student loan crisis & is now trying to stick TAXPAYERS with Biden’s “forgiveness” decree.

Actually, to be fair, the nationalization of the student loan industry was launched under Barack “you can keep your health plan” Obama’s watch. Yet, let’s not trifle. The editors could not have described the Genesis of this particular public debacle more concisely or accurately: “First nationalize student loans claiming this will save money for taxpayers. Next let students pile up debt at for-profit colleges [who get the cue to jack up tuition faster than the Treasury Dept can print money & maybe find dark money ways to “thank” the generous pols]. Then prosecute those colleges for fraud and put them out of business. Then forgive all the debt and stick taxpayers with the bill … That’s essentially the political parable of Corinthian Colleges, as told by Kamala Harris.”

What the WSJ is referencing is how the VP, when California AG, “ambushed” Corinthian by “investigating the for-profit in 2013 for allegedly misrepresenting job-placement rates, but she struggled to support her claims. [Obama’s] Education Dept rode to her rescue by making exhaustive document demands” then “cut off federal student aid” when they didn’t hop fast enough. The result of the Swamp’s assault? “It drove Corinthian into bankruptcy and stranded tens of thousands of students.” Meanwhile, the taxpaying folks in the Bible’s Sodom couldn’t have gotten hosed worse in the end.

Davd Soul


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