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Gentler Trump Takes Another Run At ‘Big Guy’ Over 'Allegedly' Corrupt Family & World Quakes

President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in Thursday’s debate: “You know, Joe, I ran because of you…and because of Barack Obama…You know what Joe, you (and he) did such a poor job …THAT’S WHY I RAN.”

So, folks, Mr. Trump has confirmed that it was the perceived stupidity of "Big Guy" Joe & The Barama, which gave us The Ultimate Political Outsider’s Crusade to “Drain the DC Swamp” & stop its Deep State Stench. The Mexican drug cartels that now need to jump through Trump's hoops (& over walls) instead of Biden’s open border to traffic in drugs & humans sure are pissed. ISIS, al Baghdadi & Soleimani are pissed at Biden for siccing Trump on them, too. Also surely chagrined is Iran’s Ayatollah who has run out of the Obama cash needed to fuel its proxy wars & in return for…thin air. And, let’s not forget the Euro Elites who are fuming at finally having to pay a fair share of the NATO bill thanks to you know who.

But, let’s follow the President’s “example” Thursday night in taking on a more conciliatory tone, especially over the recent allegations that the ex-Veep may have shamelessly lied about “never talking to [son] Hunter about influence peddling business dealings that enriched his fam. Well, Joe, computers, smart phones, emails and text messages don’t lie, humans do. Since your entire campaign is based on supposed superior “judgment” and “character,” I would kindly remind all (as well as toi aka "The Chairman") of Napoleon’s take on his similarly accused, misunderstood, bribe-riddled, Foreign Secretary Talleyrand who reportedly turned out to be a “turd in a silk stocking.” S___ happens, Joe!

Davd Soul


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