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Georgetown Progressive University From Hell?

A famous law prof quits DC Swamp’s Georgetown U calling it a “den of vipers” soon after being reinstated from a long forced leave he says was due to progressive “cancel culture”. Well, he did buck Biden’s Sup Crt pick…

Fox reports Ilya Shapiro officially stepped down as Executive Director of the Catholic law school’s prestigious Center for the Constitution in a SCATHING resignation letter that, btw, was essentially repeated in a WSJ guest op ed Wednesday. It’s a long recitation of his battle with what he calls “intolerant hypocrites” in the school’s “progressive orthodoxy.” Among other things, the professor who had only recently left the libertarian Cato Institute for the GU post says: “Georgetown is not a place that values intellectual diversity, freedom of speech, tolerance, respect, good faith … A place that excludes dissenting voices …” All this, he believes, from a tweet of his criticizing President Biden’s pledge to choose a Black woman for the Supreme Court earlier this year that got him on forced leave since February only to be reinstated with terms he said “put a [future] target on my back”.

Well, Prof Shapiro certainly got things off his chest. And, I won’t jump in without fully knowing GU’s side. I also need to disqualify myself from commenting since a decade ago I & scores of other parents from all over the US took their highly ranked sons & daughters to Georgetown with an eye to one day attending it. We all spent big bucks on air fares & hotels only to be told in a “welcoming” assembly not to bother applying unless we could afford the obnoxious tuition, were in the “top 2%” of our high school classes AND our college entrance exam scores were Einstein level. We were stunned at the arrogance. Had I known Shapiro & he had asked, I would have advised him to not test the unholy waters in the 1st place.

Davd Soul


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