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Gethsemane Moment Came To Jesus For All

For Whom the Bell Doth Toll reminds it comes for us all as it did even for Jesus kneeling in prayer. A silent angel in Garden Gethsemane suggested so after asking His Father for a reprieve from Crucifixion.

As related in journalist Jim Bishop’s “The Day Christ Died”, the Messiah Himself was not spared the Kairos or The Moment of Truth, when every person’s faith is tested, sometimes to the Nth Degree: “The Lord, said Isaias, would lay down upon Him all the iniquities of mankind, and now, the weight of countless sins pressed upon His shoulders as he knelt [at a large flat stone] again to tell His Father that He would accept the cup.” But, not without a seemingly unbearable human anguish. “The salty sweat, gleaming on His face and forehead, began to change color. It reddened and deepened in hue until, in His agony, He knew that it was blood.”

As the author continued: “Medically, this is called haematidrosis. It occurs when fear is piled upon fear, when an agony of suffering is laid upon an older suffering until the highly sensitized person can no longer sustain the pain. At that moment, the patient ordinarily loses consciousness. When that does not happen, the subcutaneous capillaries sometimes dilate so broadly that, when they come into contact with the sweat glands the little capillaries burst.” As Luke would later write in his Gospel: “And His sweat became as clots of blood, trickling down upon the ground.”

Davd Soul


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