Giant Asian Hornets, Killer Mexican Bees & US Leftists Have Cancel Culture Tactics Down Pat
I was reading a recent New York Times article about giant Asian hornets ripping off the heads of American honey bees by the bushel full. Apparently, there’s been sightings of the “vicious” illegal immigrants in the great northwest that “could establish [themselves] in the United States and devastate bee populations”. Experts reportedly say there’s a “window” of opportunity to capture and deport the illegals, but we gotta act fast.
So, the Times is AGAINST open borders? About time that politicized newspaper’s editors made sense. And, who can disagree with them? Those kind, productive hornets from Asia that want to become American citizens, of course, will presumably always be welcome to our shores, but those foreign insects known to be maniacs, murderers, or Chinese spies posing as students are not.
Truth is and as illegal immigrant advocates will invariably try to justify their flaunting of the Rule of Law, “you Americanos have plenty of maniac bees of your own.” On THAT I’d agree. Congressman Adam “Honeycomb” Schiff comes to mind … But, more to the insect point, we do also have our killer bees (what? “Africanized” and invading from Brazil and up thru Mexico?). The newspapers recently have reported a few folks badly stung, even killed, by the flying critters trying to escape the poverty back home. But, who cares if they’re foreign or domestic…or, why they’re invading? It so happens, I was walking through the forest near my home in Va and stumbled on a rock, apparently disturbing a nest of wasps. They were little tykes, not giants like the Asian hornets now threatening Washington state. The Americanos (I’m guessing, Leftist radicals) did not rip my head off. But, before I even realized what had happened, I got stung at least 6 times on my feet, legs and flailing hands. The little pricks packed a punch. I smarted big time for 3 days. So, I’m surely not taking that hiking route again. Moral of the story? Bee nice to any illegal flying insects with stingers, regardless of where they originated, or they’ll find a way to cancel you out.
Davd Soul
