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Give Firing White Teachers Be4 Blacks A or F?

Union deal to fire White teachers 1st legal? “Disgusted” Stephen A on PGA’s blacklisting LIV golfers: “I’m a proud Black man…But, I’m also an American who believes in its capitalist system & meritocracy.”

The Issues: Local officials say the agreement between the union & Minneapolis Public Schools to lay-off whites before blacks … regardless of seniority … was made earlier this year to help avoid a teachers’ strike; they insist it is a “national model” approach to more “fairly” downsizing teaching staffs when a given school needs to be downsized due to declining student enrollments. They say the traditional “first in-first out” system used for teacher lay-offs not only disproportionately disadvantages Black teachers, but deprives students of teachers who “look like them.” Yet, a growing number of critics are calling it a twisted affirmative action approach to the Constitution at best and, at worst, a twisted logic treating Blacks as if they need a crutch imposed from above to succeed. Opined a Manhattan Institute fellow: “It doesn’t’ make sense … They’re substituting one crude criteria of seniority for another crude criteria of race.”

The Sticky Wick: Arguably, the Supreme Court’s decisions on “reverse discrimination” in the context of “affirmative action” plans in general is historically unsettled & often raise more questions than give clear answers. Fox News notes critics are saying Title VII of the Civil Rights Act & Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause itself prohibits “employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex & national origin.” But, one suspects this Minneapolis union’s “creative solution” to a “political problem” is going to show up sooner rather later on the Justices’ calendar to finally decide the legality issue.

Davd Soul


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