Global Vaccine Fiasco A Bad ‘WHO’s Your Daddy’ Joke?
Is it ok to wonder if there’s more progressive banality if not naïveté in WSJ’s “Grand Plan to Vaccinate the World Against Covid” than a scoop of vanilla on Joe Biden’s sugar cone? The story basically says Western, if not, nationalistic greed deep sixed the multi-billion dollar Covax initiative to inoculate the globe championed by, who else, but the World Health Organization. Conceived in 2020, we’re told, “the idealistic undertaking to inoculate nearly a billion people [by now] collided with reality, foiled [largely] by a basic instinct for nations to put their own populations first …”
But, realistically, was it a “basic instinct” or “common sense” that made mince meat of WHO’s idealistic scheme who, btw, has been in cahoots with China denying the pandemic’s Wuhan Lab of Horrors origin and early on had, along with the MSM, poo-pooed President Trump’s vision of creating billions of vaccine doses to help the whole world in “warp speed”?
Maybe at least some of the blame as well as shame is appropriately placed on you know WHO itself? Could it be the vaccine producing nations saw through the plan to send their meds developed in record time to third world nations & into the many Marxist/Garden-variety dictatorship black holes overseas? Maybe it made some sense NOT to hand over their patented vaccines carte blanche...while folks in their own countries were dying, too? By November, for instance, the US alone had 350K fatalities & vaccine approval let alone domestic distribution was still in its infancy. And, to this day, isn't the WSJ publishing stories about how difficult it is/was/will continue to be to get domestic distribution protocols right, not to mention shortages of vaccines in many places? Did & does anyone really believe a make-shift, slapped together international organization, another WHOmever, is going to get the job done asap for those poor folks needing it most?
Davd Soul
