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Global Warming Kryptonite To All?

WSJ says SEC Chrm “Gary Gensler Tells a Climate Whopper” by insisting to Congress his planned rule forcing companies to declare their “climate risks” is “no big deal” BUT a big deal is a Biden bureaucrat (or ally) twisting fantasy into law.

As the editors asked: “When is a climate policy not a climate policy?” Apparently, they answer their own Q, when the SEC chairman, or ANY Cabinet head, “is trying to disguise the intent of his forthcoming climate-disclosure rule while testifying” before the Senate Banking Cte recently. According to the WSJ, “The SEC last spring proposed a highly controversial rule that would require public companies to disclose their putative climate risks & greenhouse-gas emissions, including those of suppliers & customers. The rule is expected to be finalized soon & will likely meet a swift legal challenge under the Supreme Court’s major questions doctrine because Congress never authorized it.” Mr. Gensler insisted before the committee that the 1934 SEC Act allows him to mandate such disclosures “in the public interest,” yet, the editors ask, “How does it benefit the public & investors to require, say, Walmart to calculate its greenhouse-gas emissions?” And won’t the mandate increase business costs that are passed on to customers?

Left unsaid is this SEC “recoloring” the Constitution or ancient laws is really the latest in a disturbing trend of Bidenites (in the Swamp, academia, MSM, special interest groups) treating the environment like its Kryptonite in that EVERYTHING anyone touches seems to be a result of global warming. Do a Google search on why the southern border’s being invaded. Global warming. Why is crime in the inner-city streets rampant? Global warming. Why is the nation’s infrastructure falling apart? Global warming. Why is DC unbelievable today? Global …

Davd Soul


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