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God Is With Us Thru End of Time

Yet another report says “Concern for religion’s future in America grows as young women stop attending church” cause their “voices” aren’t heard. But, since when is God’s Kingdom a democracy? What if always?


I had just read the story on Fox’s website & happened to be sitting in a jam-packed church wondering what planet I had been planted on. Yet, the Spirit inspired me to consider the story’s lapsed women’s feelings. I asked myself, exactly why can’t women be in leadership posts, even priests. And, for that matter, why can’t priests marry? Is there anything in the Bible let alone Catholicism’s defining Apostles Creed that mentions one’s marital status? And, while the Christ repeatedly warned that anyone who wanted to follow Him must put God first & ALL else second, He recruited married Apostles. Christians of all denominations will retort that Jesus was a MAN as were His Apostles, end of story. Yet, it was wealthy women who financed much of Jesus’ mission. And, it was Mother Mary who wept at His Cross while most of the male Apostles bolted. Wasn’t it Mary Magdalene who was first to see the resurrected Christ?


Another consideration was many Churches’ insistence on that patriarchal system that carried over from Jesus’ own Jewish community. Why didn’t Jesus set things right by today’s wokesters’ democratic standards, I wondered again? Well, perhaps besides not being of critical doctrinal importance to Him, Jesus knew the human race needed to advance a LONG way to be able to handle Him being God let alone all the rest, including the big issue in the early days of His Church over “circumcision.” Perhaps the Christ meant what He preached on the Mount about His burden being simple, the key being to ask the Father to give us each day our daily bread & to forgive our sins as we must forgive those who sin against us. Was THAT why I was meditating like this in a beautiful & still packed church? As for those women reportedly leaving church behind, they can also rest assured they’ve already been “freed from the bondage of sin” if not the too human hypocrisies in organized religion.


Davd Soul


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