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Good Poverty’s Down, Not Good Median Income Down 2

While Biden tool Wa Po reports “poverty is down” the WSJ refused to “live in darkness” by also noting “Americans’ incomes fell in 2020”. Two different MSM takes on the same Census Bureau report. Go figure.

While it’s heart-warming to see WaPo hail a modest decrease in the nation’s poverty thanks to an unprecedented level of emergency handouts with printed money, the “other” real news, per the WSJ, is that the “economic fallout of Covid-19 weighed [significantly] on the nation’s median household income”. How significantly? “The median household income was about $67,500 in 2020, down 2.9% from the prior year” under the Trump presidency when it “hit an all-time high,” while inflation aka the cost of living went up significantly at the same time & “millions lost their jobs as national unemployment soared … to a high of 14.8%”. Actually, it’s the first time in a decade that these median income numbers took any kind of a dive & that was “in the aftermath of the 2007-09 recession”.

Again, the WSJ notes, the impact of the pandemic on the millions of poor would have made things “much worse” for them had it not been for Uncle Sam’s emergency relief during 2020. It ensured that “millions” were still lifted “above the poverty line.” Yet, doesn’t it also mean millions more were increasingly dependent upon a government check to live a decent life let alone survive? What happens to them in 2022 when the spigot is shut off or, at least, tamped down? Or, will it be turned off?

Davd Soul


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