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GOP Finally Catches Early (Voting) Worm?

Pinch me, but did WSJ just run a story, “The GOP Gets to Vote Harvesting” & now realizes “early voting” will be “absolutely essential” for their chances in 2024? WASN’T THAT OBVIOUS A YEAR BEFORE 2020 DEBACLE?

Sorry, it’s hard to have patience with such naiveté and the assurances from GOP leaders circa 2020 that a “Red Wave” on election night would carry their candidates, including Mr. Trump, to certain victory. “Who needs early voting?” they laughed at the time. THE GOP did.

Having lived & worked for over 40 years in Chicago, I can attest to the innumerable “creative” tactics the Democratic Machine there had always used to “get out the vote” to create those famous landslides and/or upsets, including the “surprise” JFK victory over Nixon in 1960. So, only a blind or dead man from the Toddlin’ Town could not have seen how the Chicago-Obama-Clinton juggernaut was going to use the Covid pandemic panic to expand the notion of “absentee balloting” to absurd lengths nationally, e.g., to have “early voting” start way before the first presidential debate was even held. Still, we’re now assured “after leaving ballots on the table in 2022, the party finally warms to early voting.” Suggestion: The GOP better fire up its newly-discovered early voting pot & bring it to a boil come you know what time or else get boiled alive again on election day (or, more accurately, weeks after it takes the Big City aka DNC powers that be to “count” the early voting ballots the “right way”).

Davd Soul


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