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Gore-Kerry’s Jesse Jackson Maneuver

Did WSJ’s “Gore-Kerry Political Climate Hit” catch environmental alarmists in what Chicagoans call “The Jesse Jackson Maneuver” for preacher’s knack in prying $ from company execs choking on promised bad PR?

Having lived & worked as a Chicagoland lawyer, I came to marvel at the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s artistic carving up of local corporate got rocks and his ability to transfer some of their weighty gold to his good “causes.” Former Chicagoans Hillary Clinton, then later, Barack Obama refined the technique with subtle, ever-more effective strokes. But, maybe Al Gore & John Kerry have picked up a few pointers from all of them as the newspaper’s editorial board tells us “They want the World Bank to guarantee climate lending losses.” Apparently, the editors caught wind of the duo teaming up & putting the arm on “World Bank President David Malpass for the sin of not turning the international lending institution into an arm of the Democratic Party policy on climate change.” It seems Mr. Gore “started the pile-on by claiming Mr. Malpass is a “climate denier” while Mr. Kerry kindly suggested the bank just isn’t doing enough to combat climate change, “which really means the bank isn’t taking dictation from him.”

Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, The New York Times sponsored the event where Mr. Gore made his cheap shot, then, allied left-leaning rags like Bloomberg & Axios took the cue to jump down the bush-wacked Malpass for saying “I’m not a scientist” because he’s not any more than they are. Concluded the WSJ: “… you know a political hit job is on.” Back in his Chicago mansion, I envision a smiling Good Reverend nodding …

Davd Soul


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