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Grinch Biden Tries To Cancel Out Justices In Black

Who blacks out more, Tiger Woods when he’s driving [a car] or President Biden when he’s driving home another lame policy idea from idiot cards [like court packing]?

Yet, here we have the spectacle unknown since the FDR fiasco of Biden convening a commission or committee ala Lorenzo the Magnificent’s “Ten” to “fix” our supposedly broken U.S. Supreme Court because it’s not “activist” aka liberal enough for his and other progressives’ liking. The real question is when will all the Justices have the guts to call out Biden the Magnificent for this obvious power grab. True, as Fox News reported, Justice Breyer, a liberal, showed the guts to make a speech panning the Biden-led Democrats’ poorly veiled court packing plan. But, then, on cue, even this honest judge was then subjected to “Liberals ramp(ing) up calls for Supreme Court Justice to retire.”

Where, pray tell, are the other lib Justices to defend their colleague against Biden’s attempt to give leftist radicals yet another promised GIFT in return for their 2020 vote? Sotomayor? Kagan? Alito? And, does the “conservative wing” still have a voice? As an inspired Clement Clarke Moore might poetically have written in his day: “Now Roberts, Now Alito, Now Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch; On Barrett, On Thomas, On Soto and Kagan. Now, dash away, dash away all! Before Biden blacks out and Tiger hits another wall.”

Davd Soul


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