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Grisham Gun Ban Shoots Self From Lip

New Mexico Gov’s ban on gun carrying in public, open or concealed, met with derision on Constitutional grounds, even by many Dems. Now, a court ruled the move nutso. What next? Invite to host Hollywood’s Oscars?

Talk about shameless grandstanding if not panicking over what’s become a regular tragedy, esp in our big cities. Granted, SOMETHING has to be done about violence in our society. But not this unilateral executive order that blatantly blows off the US Constitution. As the WSJ editors noted: “When an officeholder ignores the Constitution, others must speak up, so it’s reassuring in our polarized age to watch the almost total embarrassment of … Michell Lujan Grisham [who’s NOT related to the who-dunnit author]. Her unilateral order to ban the carrying of firearms in the state’s most populous county was contradicted by acclamation, even before it was legally block by a federal judge.” Saying gun violence is a “public-health emergency” doesn’t cut her trashing the Rule of Law. It was just last year that the US Supreme Court ruled that “The 2nd & 14th Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.” Otherwise, only criminals & police would be bearing arms here, there, everywhere. Even fellow Democrat, New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez, sent her a letter saying the suspension of the Second Amendment is unconstitutional.

As the WSJ suggested, Grisham’s order “might have been meant to show she’s serious about gun violence.” But, all she did was send a message she’s “unserious about governing & ineffectual besides.” Her comeuppance is a useful lesson for other Governors tempted to violate the Constitution to make a political point. The “leaders” in the DC Swamp might likewise learn from this fiasco …

Davd Soul


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