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Gruden Gets As Krauthammer Got PC Real

Fired Raiders’ racially ranting Coach Gruden is begging us to forgive his big mouth but Joe Biden doubles down on crack that Republicans are “semi-fascists”? What was it late Charles Krauthammer said about “stupid” people?

Actually, the legendary columnist for the Washington Post famously opined: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” Joe’s foolish cheap shot at Republicans would seem to have hit the Pulitzer Prize winner’s nail on it’s point.

As it happens, at least, ESPN reports Coach Gruden is admitting unequivocally that his emails filled with slurs of others was “shameful” if not plain “stupid.” When tearfully talking to the Little Rock Touchdown Club he humbly added, “but I’m a good person … I hope to get another shot.” But, don’t count on Fightin’ Joe taking back his latest verbal blunder. Who was it who said about the realities of our PC-plagued politics of today: “Do you know how to make a conservative mad? Lie to them. Do you know how to make a liberal mad? Tell them the truth”?

Davd Soul


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