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Guardian Angel Saves Child in Water Mishap

Is there any doubt that 5-yr-old thrown off the “Twist N Shout” water tubing ride at Ga’s Lake Winnie Amusement Park & onto turf 20 feet yonder owes his life to his Guardian Angel? I know from experience.

A Fox affiliate reported the shocking news on the 4rth of July, in which one “terrified” eye-witness wondered, “Is he alive”? A 911 transcript indicated the boy on his way to the hospital was sore all over but specifically had “lacerations to a leg & back pain.” Three days later Local News Station 3 updated the story & suggested without elaborating that the unidentified youngster was doing well enough to turn the press’s attention to the park’s possible legal liability. Naturally, the park supervisor assured all safety protocols had been met. Whatever. It sounds like the boy is going to be mostly ok after all. Literally, thank God for the inexplicably happy ending to a possibly horrific beginning, or at least thank an Angel.

These miraculous near-misses fortunately happen all the time, we just don’t always recognize them as such. I still often get goose bumps over the time I was walking down a flight of slippery, narrow stairs with my 3-month-old baby boy nestled in the cuff of my right arm. Suddenly upon a second step, my feet flew out from under me & I landed with my elbow hitting the inch-thick wooden stairs so hard it cracked in half. Simultaneously, my baby popped right out of my arm & hurdled through the air toward the wood floor 12 feet below. I recall seeing my baby’s life pass in front of me & then my body leaping through the air until it caught up with his body wrapped in a yellow blanky. Somehow, I corralled & re-cradled him in my arms JUST as we both landed harmlessly head first like an NFL wide receiver. Harmlessly, that is, except for my long bout with PTS thereafter. To this day, there’s no doubt both our Guardian Angels were right there.

Davd Soul


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