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Gymnasts Stick FBI With $1 Billion Suit

To win their $1B suit against FBI for mishandling Larry Nassar’s sex scam, female gymnasts will have to overcome many baked-in defenses. How many cases has FBI botched without recourse? How many stars are in the Milky Way?

Or, ask Donald Trump. He knows firsthand the FBI’s kiss off when he complained about illegal bugging of his Manhattan office, i.e., until Hillary Clinton signed off on her mouthpiece filling the FBI with nonsense about a Trump-Russia Collusion conspiracy based on opp-research dreamed up by a Brit & Never-Trumpers. But, I digress over the FBI’s long-recognized “discretionary powers”. Led by Olympians Simone Biles and Aly Raisman, more than 90 women & girls are hoping their “administrative tort claims” against the agency will “stick” (no pun intended). According to the WSJ, the claims “draw on a report released by the Justice Dept’s inspector general last year that was sharply critical of the FBI.” Current FBI Director Chris Wray apologized for his agency’s refusal to get involved. Yet, the FBI’s lawyers notably refused to prosecute the FBI agents accused of ignoring the evidence given them.

The latter is a tip off as to how difficult the road to proving damages will be for the plaintiffs. For one, they are mostly alleging wrongful INACTION, not ACTION, & the FBI refuses to take action countless times every day, often for good, various reasons. Imagine the precedent set if it were easy to sue the FBI every time it did nothing when presented with some evidence of wrongdoing. True, the gymnasts’ case may be very persuasive in the end. If proven, a “cover up” would help their cause. Maybe not. Maybe the plaintiffs’ lawyers know this but also know the politics & optics involved might argue for a reasonable out of court settlement?

Davd Soul


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