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Hamas, BLM Lead World In Gotcha Crotcha

A thought on what Hamas & BLM really have in common: They unfailingly use the Chicago “crotch kick trick”, i.e., by mercilessly attacking Western Civilization, then, demanding it disarm so it can be crotch kicked over & over.

A similar trick involves sucker punching a person on the pretext they’ve done them wrong, then, donning eyeglasses to wimpishly prevent retaliation. Of course, in all instances, the fanatics get to define “right” from “wrong”, which always ends up furthering their warped agendas. The “trick” described above was essentially put into context by the WSJ’s “Hamas’s Hospital Lie and the Laws of War.” Noted the editorial board: “The jihadists directly target civilians, which is a war crime. But they want to deny Israel the right of self-defense by claiming any incidental civilian casualties in Gaza are a crime.” Never mind, it turns out an errant Hamas rocket appears to have caused the latest havoc? In a separate editorial, the editors waxed long on how “progressives” in Chicago recently disrupted the City Council to block a pro-Israel resolution, which recited the obvious, i.e., that “Hamas is an internationally recognized terrorist organization” and that “Israel, like any other sovereign nation, has the right and the obligation to protect its citizens.” In short, they argued, it’s one thing to indiscriminately send missiles into civilian neighborhoods and another to try to hit military targets, even if the cowardly targets hide behind human shields.

So what does this have to do with BLM? The goal of the Chicago progressives, the WSJ says, was to “align Palestinian claims of Israeli ‘occupation’ with the moral architecture of Black Lives Matter, thereby ending further discussion. The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement already shares social-emotional space with BLM on college campuses. Within hours of the [Hamas] attack, BLM Chicago tweeted a picture of a paraglider like the ones used by Hamas killers to surprise & murder the young revelers at a music festival. The tagline said: ‘I stand with Palestine.’” Truth is, they stand with evil.

Davd Soul


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