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Happy CCP Hunting For Son Of Joe Partners?

Like Willie Sutton, Whitey Bulger robbed banks cause that’s where $ was so did Hunter Biden take page out of their play book when “happy” to not only peddle influence with dad but intro pals to big bucks CCP guy?

The finger-pointing Hunter laptop scandal already cast suspicion on whether President Biden “knew” about his son’s influence peddling while VP. But, Fox News now reports Son of Joe even agreed to give his business associates an introduction to a top Chinese Communist Party official “to discuss potential investments” just after the commie happened to sit at Hunter’s table during a 2013 dinner in Beijing welcoming his father, then-VP Biden. While it’s “unclear” whether the asked for meeting ever came off, the embarrassing emails were “verified” by Fox.

How ironic that James Bulger, the namesake nephew of Boston crime boss & renown FBI snitch James “Whitey” Bulger, was the one allegedly asking Hunter in a July 2014 email to introduce his business partners to a Hong Kong billionaire. That wealthy soul also happened to be vice-chair of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Well, can you blame Mr. Bulger? After all, that’s where the $, er, gall was to be found.

Davd Soul


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