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Harbaugh’s Abortion Profile In Courage

Michigan’s head football coach Jim Harbaugh showed himself to be a true Soldier of Christ as well as courageous human being by openly saying it’s ok to “have the courage to let the unborn be born…”

As Fox News noted, the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v Wade’s imposing a federal abortion mandate on the 50 States “has been a polarizing topic across the US” for more than 50 years now. Especially in woke academia these days, Coach & ex-Chicago Bear Harbaugh is a rare creature who was willing to put his honest belief above the easy way out aka “silence” when he bluntly, unequivocally said to those attending the recent Plymouth Right to Life dinner & as reported by the Detroit Catholic newspaper:

“I believe in having the courage to let the unborn be born. I love life. I believe in having a loving care and respect for life and death. My faith and my science are what drives these beliefs in me. Quoting from Jeremiah, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.” Of course, the most radical pro-abortionists reacted on social media radically to those words uttered by a coach of a STATE UNIVERSITY. If only uncourageous “leaders” like Catholics Biden & Pelosi still believe as does Harbaugh … and as they once insisted before they cowardly changed their “belief” on abortion as their (and First Catholic President John Kennedy’s) political party became more left-leaning…

Davd Soul


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