Harris Can’t Talk Climate & Energy Truth
Notice how VP Harris has “stopped talking Climate Change” & is “disguising” her draconian energy plans since voters now realize global warming is warming up no matter how many trillions she wastes on pretending to gamble aka “invest” their money in it.
Don’t blame me, blame two recent WSJ op eds that argued as much. First, we learn from the paper’s editorial board that Harris’s climate director, Camila Thorndike, spilled the beans about her “real [climate/energy] agenda.” Then, we’re told in a column by Bjorn Lomborg, “As the high costs of green policies hit, it’s becoming a lose-lose issue for [her and all] politicians of the left.” As Lomborg notes, Harris mentioned “climate” in her word salad acceptance speech JUST ONCE. And, “the environment hardly figured in her debate with Trump.” Of course, voters can’t help but notice how trying to control the weather is not only futile but bankrupting them. As Lomborg argues, “This is the first presidential election in which the economic consequences of green ideals have become real with less reliable power & higher total energy costs.”
There’s more: “Underlying this electoral problem for Harris: The climate policies she would offer promise huge costs for negligible benefits. It’d be one thing to ask for sacrifices to save the planet. But even at a whopping official price tag of $369 billion over 10 years, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s climate measures as written were likely to lower the projected global temperature in 2100 by less than 0.03 degree F.” Meanwhile, the IRA “has turned out to be an even rawer deal [since] the cost has rapidly ballooned to somewhere north of $3 trillion over 30 to 40 years.” Harris, then, can’t stand the Truth: “It’s developing nations that are driving emissions in this century,” and a US bankruptcy won’t help.
Davd Soul