Harris Ducking Indies At Her Peril?
What was striking in the Fox News story was a black collegiate (& other “irked” voters) telling Kamala Harris, “You got to answer the tough questions. People have to know where you stand.” The man was a Harris supporter. Imagine what Indies are thinking.
Actually, the Fox reporters found the same kind of “advice” for Ms. Harris around the country, and it was coming largely from those who said they want her to win. Ironic? Maybe not so much in that the WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan just voiced a similar complaint Trump supporters have always had about Trump. In other words, many Harris supporters now want their woman to finally interact with the media instead of hiding from it, while Trump supporters want their man to finally show his less vocally confrontational “joyful” side (pun intended).
Great. This suggests, as Ms. Noonan suggested, that the Two-Party People have already decided to follow their man or woman no matter how “irked” they are with their campaign styles & personalities. That of course arguably leaves the Independents to decide this election (as often is the case). If so, then Ms. Noonan suggested, it’s going to come down to whether the Indies want more of the Progressive chaos they’ve seen the last 3 plus years or Trump shooting from the lip as he often has in the past. Concluded Peggy: “I’m not sure people want to go down the Blue Path any deeper than they already have.”
Davd Soul
