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Has Bernie’s Bankruptcy Train Already Left Station?

The WSJ editors think the Dems’ $4.1T budget proposal is irresponsible in “The Sanders’ Democrats Go For Broke,” as in “bankrupt the nation.” Well, Bernie always did say he’d pay for his socialism in America by printing money & daring the courts to try ‘n stop him. But, leave it to the paper’s columnist Dan Henninger to tell the GOP it still has a choice if & when the Dem-controlled Congress gets to vote on this albatross: “Put their hands up or put up a fight. Yet, is THAT really a “chance” to stop the crimson (i.e., looming red ink) tide? Has Bernie’s Bankruptcy Train already left the station?

The stakes couldn’t be much higher. As Mr. Henninger says, “This $4 trillion blowout is the final heist plotted by an old-left wild bunch of Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer & Dick Durbin, with Joe Biden along for the ride.” Enough citizens voted for them and, therefore, this. The paper’s editors put it this way: “The price of Republicans losing those two Georgia Senate seats in January was always going to be steep & late Tuesday Democrats presented America with the bill.”

More disheartening to anyone hoping for an end to endless spending is that Mr. Henninger’s GOPers are, as usual, naïve about it. The editorial board was perhaps more realistic when it warns the GOP not to “underestimate how bloody minded Democrats are. They believe this is a rare moment to put in place a permanent expansion of government, and they are going to do it whether or not Republicans give [any one or two balking Democrats political cover]. The only chance Republicans have to stop the $4.1 trillion Sanders-Pelosi agenda is to make the public case against it and force Democrats on Capitol Hill to take sole responsibility for the consequences if they pass it.” Yet, that also sounds almost like Mr. Henninger’s “Put you hands up” advice.

Davd Soul


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