Hawking’s Apocalypse Now Revealed In Bambi’s Feast?
If you were a paraplegic like Stephen Hawking, you also might not have a rosy vision of the world’s fate. In a Chicago Tribune column, Rex Huppke, noted how the famed physicist has warned the End of Times is more likely than ever before thanks to “climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics & population growth.” With tongue in cheek (I think) Mr. Huppke goes on to note the “sign” we all should be getting that the end is near because research scientists recently filmed Bambi-like deer feeding off of human corpses.
Huppke’s “deer sign” of a coming Apocalypse now is a new one. Jesus, of course, told us to open our eyes so’s to be able to see God’s obvious “signs” about the Coming of the Kingdom. The prophets of the Old Testament before him “told us to repent or else” whenever famine, draught or a swarm of locusts overtook their communities. And, modern day pessimists still refer vaguely to “cats mating with dogs” as the heralder of Ghostbuster-like bad things to come.
Perhaps where Hawkings & Huppke “get it wrong” is in underestimating the creativity of our God-given minds that, for instance, helped H.G. Wells defeat the Martian invasion & overestimating the End of Times in Revelations, which results in an everlasting Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Davd Soul