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Health Pros Owe Covid Fallen Promise Of “Never Again”

Is CDC & NIH more out of control than an imagined rogue Deep State? Sen Paul wants to end Fauci’s “dictator in chief” power there to prevent another abuse of power via ineffective mandates as new report says his CDC even pushed partnership with Wuhan lab since 2017.

Ever wonder how much control Presidents Obama & Trump (let alone Biden) had over the fed health care agencies? Bottom line, it was the CDC’s & NIH’s responsibility to make sure the country could respond adequately to a new pandemic, esp after the fiascos they experienced with deadly diseases like Swine Flu, Bird Flu, HIV … They surely begged for more funding like bureaucracies always do. But, in the end, how many went along with the Swamp’s business as usual do nothingness? Should we have been surprised when we were told there were not enough masks or ventilators on hand when Covid-19 broke out & hospitals didn’t have enough beds to help those newly stricken; moreover, that it would take “years” to develop a vaccine, let alone therapeutics, if ever?

Fortunately, then, along came Trump’s Operation Warp Speed & the conventional wisdom, at least when it came to antidotes, was challenged & (almost) turned on its head, but not before thousands died. Maybe Sen. Paul has a point in breaking up, e.g., the NIH into 3 separate entities with checks & balances in setting national health priorities & policies. Will Congress act responsibly for once? But, the local & state health agencies also need to look themselves in the mirror & ask “How? Why?” & re-assure us all in promising, “Never Again.”

Davd Soul


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