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Heaven Save Us From Govt, Corps, Churches?

What oath’s registered in Heaven saying Govt must buy everyone’s happiness, Corps must push woke customer’s politics or Religion shall play politics as, e.g., Catholic & Methodist churches struggle with abortion, lgbtq issues?

We know Lincoln warned Uncle Sam about focusing on “helping only those who can’t help themselves.” And, I personally still will NOT buy a Gillette product after it aired a lecturing commercial featuring lined-up male dweebs supposedly shaming so-called “toxic male egoists” into being “toxic pussy whipped pussy cats.” But, I’ve REALLY never understood why religions of all kinds can’t seem to resist getting into lose-lose political frays when their morality should & does speak best for itself FROM THE PULPIT, not in the streets. Prime exhibit: Instead of listening to the Founding Fathers’ wisdom in keeping Church & State separate, The US Catholic Church finds itself embroiled in an endless legal & election spat over abortion. Not that overlap isn’t inevitable …

… But, is anyone enjoying the spectacle of our Catholic Justices (& their neighbors) having to listen to the crazed rantings of “devout” Catholic pols like Nancy Pelosi & Joe Biden “demanding” the upholding of the wretched anti-life Roe v Wade decision when their oath and sacred duty will most likely be to overturn it and send it back to Dred Scott & Korematsu Hell? And, besides promising to pray for one another, will the 70 churches in Georgia who split from the United Methodist Church over “internal” disagreements over LGBTQ & other moral issues … as well as, let’s face it, related politics … bring anyone peace or give a better understanding of God’s morality?

Davd Soul


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