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Hillary 39.0 Comin To Shore Up Sinking MSM Ratings?

Was it a coincidence latest cable TV viewership was tanking, especially CNN’s, when suddenly the MSM as well as Cable networks published “Hillary in 2024” stories? To paraphrase No. 45: “The media ratings never had it so good before me & will nose dive when I’m gone.” Someone bucking for yet another Thrilla in Swampilla?

While a Fox News’ story rightly guffawed over CNN’s loss of 90% of its 2021 viewership as its own (still leading by FAR) ratings sank a tad, too, i.e., sans Mr. Trump driving the news cycles, two progressives wrote pieces for the WSJ “floating” the idea of a “Hillary for President in 2024.” Considering how President Biden’s approval rating is a sickly 33% (and VP Harris’ is worse), they apparently worried, Hillary would be the “best positioned candidate” to win a national election. BTW, Bubba Bill also told People Mag his wife is “the most qualified person to run for office in my lifetime, including me.” What about Ghislaine, Bill? Never mind.

Fox’s Tucker Carlson & Laura Ingrham, then, picked up the torch of a Hillary candidacy, if again with tongue in cheek. Waxed Tucker: “Hillary is like a box of Cracker Jacks or your emotionally volatile niece who goes to art school. She’s full of surprises. You never know what you’re going to get,” from a radical woman’s right activist, to a flaky backwoods Arkansas house wife, to a Putin butt-kicker (or licker) or a mentor to fake dossier writers. Mockingly opined Laura an hour later on her late night show, a “Hillary-Cheney ticket” works for her. Yet, as Tucker had warned about the Everready Bunny still insisting ala Mr. Trump in 2020 that she was robbed in 2016 … What a rematch would do for the MSM ratings! That is, after a Clinton-Biden primary! LOL.

Davd Soul


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