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Hispanic Moms Incensed Over Formula Fiasco

WSJ can’t get any blunter: “The Baby Formula Shortage Was Made in Washington” & Waa-Waa Cry-baby pols can’t bs moms on it. Hispanic moms are esp incensed, as latest poll shows a growing disgust with Joe.

Notes the editorial board: Even “the politicians tacitly admit that their policies are responsible.” Well, not quite. The editors go on to say, “politicians are scrambling to pacify mothers angry about the baby formula shortage, but the one thing they won’t do is look in the mirror.” Exactly. They continue: “Fixing the shortage requires fixing the government policies that helped create it,” like favoring a small select favored few US companies making the product, then, overregulating them; using regs & trade tariffs to discourage the importation of formula; and, insisting on a government run program (WIC) for the “poor” which FORCES poor moms to buy formula ONLY from its contractor outlets.

As usual, the WSJ notes, House Speaker Nancy wants to “round up the usual” scapegoats and “indict” the formula makers for the problem THEY caused. But, of course, moms are no longer fooled, at least, apparently not in the Hispanic community. As Quinnipiac University’s most recent poll noted, “Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics is now at 26% (compared to 55% this time last year) & it’s hardly a stretch to think it is fiascos on bread & butter issues like this that are fueling the disillusionment, especially among Hispanic moms. Put another way: You might get away with endlessly messing with an Hispanic mom’s immigration status, but don’t you ever dare mess with feeding their babies.

Davd Soul


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