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Home Heating Costs 2 Rise 2b Digits?

As Joe fights fossil fuels with any price climate policies, WSJ warns “Get Ready for the Big Chill” as cost to heat home with natural gas, electricity or oil is projected to be going up A LOT, while no windmill is big enough to help.

You can almost imagine the somber baritone voice of Orson Wells’ Citizen Kane narrating the paper’s narrative: “Winter is coming and Americans may get a cold shock when they get their heating bills.” At least, according to a report released last week by the US Energy Information Administration. Concludes Orson, er, the WSJ reporter, “it deserves more attention … [Just be prepared to] bundle up and set your thermostat at 68 degrees, or prepare to pay a bundle.”

You think? Joe’s own agency is telling us the “average US household spending will increase for all heating fuels this winter, including natural gas (28%), heating oil (27%), electricity (10%) and propane (5%). The newspaper squarely puts the blame at the Biden at all costs climate change policies: “Blame higher oil and natural gas prices from demand outstripping supply. Coal plant shutdowns in particular have increased demand for natural gas to generate power,” but, government-induced pipeline obstructions are gumming up the works too. The War on Fossil Fuels goes on. As prices to stay warm keeps going up …

Davd Soul


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