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Hooray! Biden Sued 4 Student Loan Pass

Dem lawyers are famous for dreaming up legal theories to justify their political agendas but they got taste of own medicine as an Indiana man finds way to sue Biden for his loan forgiveness plan via unprecedented fiat.

The WSJ could hardly contain itself in “Hooray, a Student Loan Forgiveness Plaintiff” when a young “man hurt by Biden’s illegal write-off sues to block it … He has a good case.” As the editors note, it’s been hard to find someone to sue Joe over his controversial student loan give-away since the legal concept of “standing” requires any plaintiff to show direct & personal harm for which relief can be granted. In a government debt forgiveness scenario, being a taxpayer whose money has been foolishly spent is usually not enough.

But, an Indiana borrower just filed a federal lawsuit to block the President’s write-off arguing he IS harmed & Joe’s scheme is illegal “owing to quirks in the federal loan repayment plans & Indiana tax law". It’s a tad complicated. But, it comes down to Joe wanting to immediately cancel up to $20K in federal student loans while the plaintiff’s going to have shell out over $1,000 in state tax on that canceled debt this year. That’s because the plaintiff in this case, Frank Garrison, is enrolled in the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness program which limits monthly payments based on income & would have discharged the remaining debt after 10 years. Indiana doesn’t tax Public Service Loan Forgiveness which would have kicked in 10 years from now, but Joe’s immediate forgiveness plan (and The Swamp’s push to start “forgiving” debt asap AND BEFORE THE MIDTERMS) blows that away, sticking him with that $1,000 one-time state tax penalty. "A" for effort?

Davd Soul


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