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How Could Dem Voters Miss Biden’s Joe?

New York Times admits Dems are now “uncomfortable” with Biden’s age & Fox’s Kilmeade says Cup of 46 Joe’s a “disappointment at home & on world stage,” BUT how many times did voters ignore the obvious decline signs in 2020?

Recall how many times pundits like Tucker & Hannity as well as opponent Trump warned that Joe was not physically let alone mentally up to the brutal WH challenges that would surely be facing him at age 78, now 79, & 82 when he’s voted out of office. How could there have been any wonder at Mr. Biden’s botched Afghan withdrawal; a Covid-19 “Turtle Speed” initiative, in which more folks died on his watch than Trump’s; War on Fossil Fuels from “Day One” that helped trigger record pump prices & inflation in less than 12 months; a now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t retirement & 401(k) accounts; toothless, all-talk-no action diplomacy that encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine & China to threaten Taiwan; an overrun open southern border that is emboldening migrants, drug cartels & human traffickers alike; and a crime wave in city streets reminiscent of the Roaring Twenties in Chicago? Could anyone but a dithering as well as divisive Biden have made a hell-raising Trump look in comparison like a cross between Daniel Webster & John the Baptist when addressing “gender identity” and parental rights in our elementary schools?

Weren’t we all watching the same clips of Mr. Biden repeatedly stumbling over his own tongue on that 2020 campaign trail as well as making one ridiculous assertion & promise after another from his home basement that a 5-yr-old would have seen through as nonsense? That is, when the supposedly “moderate” Joe wasn’t forgetting talking points handed to him by radical socialist handlers or misreading their teleprompter text?

Davd Soul


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