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How’s Western Ziv’s Woking Working?

“If Western Civilization Dies, Put It Down as a Suicide,” since “We are in the grip of a [faux virtuous woke] ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success [in uplifting mankind from the depths] & disdains merit.”

That’s the gist of Gerard Baker’s recent WSJ column that uses Goldman Sachs as his whipping boy. Once heralded as the Trojan Horse that brought down the global financial markets’ centuries long reliance on a privileged good old boys club culture, he suggests, Goldman replaced it (& its business dominance soared) with, well, what’s tantamount to a Protestant Work Ethic on Steroids. The rest is history. Until now?

Gerard explains: “In its small way [a recent] Goldman memo [buying in to more woke corporate compliance in re “Z” pronouns] colorfully captures the deepening mess the precepts of contemporary ideological orthodoxy are making of our society, our economy & our democracy. It highlights how the real progress made over decades toward a fairer & more equal society is being thrown away under the authority of a new set of rules & rulers as elitist & privileged as the old ones. For those ancient regime aristocrats, it was having the right shoes or the proper accent. For today’s, it is adherence to the constantly changing rules of ideology approved thought & language.” Sort of like cutting one’s own throat with someone else’s tongue-lashing?

Davd Soul


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