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Hug A Possible Line Jumping Murderer?

Has there been a more naivete on steroids crime policy … perhaps imported from USA’s progressive “kid gloves & defund police” movement … than Mexico’s “Hugs, Not Bullets” effort spreading “Grief, Murder & Extortion”? Ask Laken Riley, if you could.


Of course, such “criminal reform” mantras typically imply the basic Christian principles to “love thy neighbor” & “forgive offenders 7 times 77.” Yet, they fail to also recognize how brutally the Son of Man was crucified by thugs or that today’s cartel members have as much regard for human life as predatory animals among us. And yet, the WSJ article noted how Mexico’s response to rampant crime in its country has essentially been to see the former & ignore the latter. As a result, the paper notes, “Drug cartels have more towns & families in their grip under [this] presidential policy intended to quell gang violence by emphasizing public aid over policing.”


Yet, the naivete is certainly not limited to Mexico or to its drug cartels. So please permit a final word on the animals among us & from wherever they came. Can you realistically base any public policy akin to this “Hugs” delusion on a hope rather than concrete evidence that belies its inherent hopelessness? One arguable case in point is the illegal immigrant who allegedly took 22-yr-old Laken Riley, the nursing student who was found dead on a Georgia university campus, away from her family. On Friday, 26-yr-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, whom Fox News reports was a “Venezuelan national who crossed illegally into El Paso, Texas in 2022 … but released into the US via parole, was charged with murder.” Maybe he’s innocent. The vast majority of line jumpers are good, if desperate people. And, maybe he’s another product of a violent society in one of the many countries south of our border. Still, does it make any sense for the US to also adopt public policies that purposely let hyenas into our midst?


Davd Soul


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