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Huh? California Leads Nation In FUNDING POLICE?

Some California pols ain’t fooled by AOC’s denial of “smash & grab” robberies any more than they are by the foolishness of progressive policies that also allowed a SF woman to be accused of shoplifting 120 times but soon released by judges. So, the new fad is a “Fund the Police” movement?

Fox notes how one “emboldened SF shoplifter” interviewed kindly explained how “stealing is easy” as well as without consequences while a Beverly Hills police chief noted about the California crime spikes the “same criminals are being caught ‘over & over again.’” We've been hearing alot of that lately.

But, leave it to a WSJ columnist to trace the rising lawlessness in most big cities to the most counter-productive progressive policy of all aka “defund the police.” Writes Jason Riley in his “Predictable Consequences, “it took a spate of murders for [even the radical] mayor of Oakland, Calif., to abandon the destructive slogan.” MORE police protecting citizens and businesses, not fewer, is the path to renewed respect for the Rule of Law that politician now concedes. Hey, so, once again, it’s progressive CALIFORNIA that leads the nation in right thinking!?!

Davd Soul


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