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Hunter’s Red $ Legal White Lie Or Bribe?

NY Post “calls out Hunter Biden lawyers’ defense of China-linked” moolah as legit if unexplained & GOP Rep Comer bluntly accuses Biden fam of turning “influence peddling” into cottage industry. But, it’s legal, right?

A Dem mouthpiece recently went on CNN opining the latest revelations of the Biden family getting over $1 million for some unexplained reason “are not a good look … BUT they are not illegal.” Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s lawyers insisted those payments were a part of Hunter doing “legitimate” business somewhere, in some way, with Chinese communists who regularly demand similar “deposits for future services” in a red envelope when the shoe’s on the other foot. The Post columnist Miranda Devine had this to say about that “bizarre” song & dance “not passing the smell test.” She tried explaining what Hunter’s lawyers would not:

“Good faith seed money, I guess, is what they’re going to hang their hat on, as if this Chinese company is just doling out millions of dollars to them as a pre-payment, as a down payment on some nefarious or some mysterious work they’re going to do for them now that Joe Biden’s out of office … [never mind] … there’s a lot of evidence from Tony Bobulinski and others to show that that’s not the case. And Hunter Biden was in financial trouble at that time. He was paying $37,000 a month alimony to his ex-wife. He was in a relationship with his brother’s widow, Hallie Biden. And as well as that, his money from Burisma, the Ukranian company, had been cut in half once his father was no longer vice president. So, he needed this Chinese money.” In China, they may call it a “Red Envelope” pre-nuptual exchange. In Sweet Home Chicago, we used to call it an attempted “bribe.”

Davd Soul


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