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‘I AM SCIENCE’ Fauci & Juris Doctorate Biden 2B Down

How does he do it? NIH’s Dr. Anthony “I AM SCIENCE” Fauci again is telling America how to handle the Omicron COVID panic after more COVID deaths happened under his watch in 2021 than 2020 & having failed to contain the earlier deadly AIDS, SARS & Swine Flu outbreaks. Fox’s Tucker Carlson finally had enough with “Benito Mussolini” as did Laura Ingraham with the chief spokesman for “The Biden Booster Club.”

Noted Ingraham, Fauci is “back & making the rounds on the mainstream media trying to make the case that their flawed & often heavy-handed coronavirus mitigation recommendations & orders are what America needs once more.” Added Tucker: Those lockdowns & Mr. Biden’s insistence on draconian measures to fight the Covid-19 virus as well as Delta & now Omicron variants with African travel bans the MSM once called “racist” (i.e., when President Trump imposed them), constitutes the “greatest public policy failure of all time.” Concluded the WSJ’s editorial board: The latest yet predictable Omicron threat so far appears to be a “non-emergency” & renewed knee-jerk lockdowns would “again cause more harm than good.”

Meanwhile, yet another federal judge has enjoined Fauci’s stubborn boss, the president, from carrying out his likely unConstitutional “workaround” of Congress, i.e., by having OSHA use regulations to force big employers to force their employees to get vaccinated or get fired. The agency itself recently threw in the towel by “agreeing” to obey the court orders. If only the career-long bureaucrat Fauci had a doctorate in law as well as medicine. On second thought, Mr. Biden has a juris doctorate & what good has that done?

Davd Soul


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