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IEA, Don Quixote Environmentalists Tilt At Windmills?

Was another hidden yet Don Quixote-ish agenda of radical environmentalists exposed in the WSJ’s “Stop New Oil Investments to Hit Net-Zero Emissions, [so] Says IEA”?

There you go. It’s not enough to realistically shift the world’s energy production to renewables over a reasonable time period, the International Energy Agency watchdog warns “new fossil-fuel supply projects must immediately cease.” Sure. Another bunch of rads yelling “Fire” in the crowded movie theatre. Of course, the IEA is not quite the mother who tells her daughter to “have fun on a date, but God help you if you get raped”…yet, they do insist the fate of the world is at stake “if it is going to slash net carbon emissions to zero by 2050”. Oh, btw, “hitting [that] net-zero target would require a rapid acceleration of wind & solar capacity & a halt in sales of combustion-engine cars by 2035.”

And, all this for what? In the IEA jargon it’s supposedly “crucial in limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels” as laid out in that 2015 Paris climate agreement. Anyone hear the one about the honest scientist who says the Paris targets, even if somehow reached, would not do diddly to save the planet?

Davd Soul


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